REVIEW: He Lived Next Door by Portia Moore

There are ugly truths and pretty lies.
When I lost them I chose neither.
I wrapped myself in silence. My husband, my best friend, became a stranger who gave up. Then....
He moved next door, and everything changed.
You think you know this story, but you don't.
Be careful what you ask for because the answer may not come the way you think.
This is going to be very vague review, because Portia is excellent at romance with a twist and the twist is the best part!
All I will say is, I didn't know what to think about this book, I'm not christian and it does feature heavily but I still liked the way Portia wrote it.
I did not expect the twist AT ALL. I expected something waaaaaay different. Which maybe I would have preferred but the whole point of the book would have been ruined lol.
The couple, Bryce and Chassidy, are going through a very rough time but the flash backs of how they meet will remind how perfect they are for each other. Bryce is just the absolute sweetest, I'm pretty a lot of girls would lose their pants for him!
If you've read Portia before, you know she excels at twists, so buckle in for this one!