REVIEW AND RELEASE BLITZ: Cleat Catcher by Celia Aaron and Sloane Howell

What happens when an unrepentant Cleat Chaser meets the player of her dreams?
Nikki Graves has a history of going through the baseball roster with an eye for talent--the kind of talent that keeps things spicy between the sheets. But, once she meets Braden Bradford, catcher for the Ravens, her talent scout days are done. He's the one.
Braden has never met a woman like Nikki, and he can't get enough of her smart mouth and big heart. But life isn't always as direct and certain as the connection between Braden and Nikki.
When family objections and career trajectories begin to crowd the plate, will Braden be able to keep his catch of a lifetime?
I don’t even know where to start. Shizzle my nizzle. BRILLIANT! I have to say, I know this is a romance but what really got me in this book was the EPIC Bromance!! Easton and Braden were just perfect!! The swooniest moments were between those two and that’s saying something! I’m still swooning over the things Easton did for Braden. *sighs* #Breaston for life. There’s one moment that stood out and when you’ll read it you’ll know. It just made me fall in love with these boys even more!
But anyway… Nikki and Braden, the actual couple, were HOT HOT HOT. Seriously, amazing sexiness throughout the whole book. Yes Easton, I’d sit on your face too, Dear. *sighs again* The sex scenes are so well written, Celia and Sloane are the perfect partnership, the whole book is seamless. Even characters that cross over chapters are still identically written as though by one person, great writing and perfect editing.
There’s enough drama to pull you in to this story. There were a couple of instances where some people in the book needed to get punched in the face, hard. Because you can’t help but get attached to these characters, they’re so lovable that you get emotionally invested and protective!
Once again, Kasey is there and as hilarious as ever! She’s so crude and dirty, it’s shockingly hilarious the things she comes out with. Literally, the mouth of a sailor but as hot as a model! What I’d give to see a real life version of her. I must be her friend. I’m sorry but if you don’t like Kasey then we can’t be friends. Everyone needs a Kasey in their lives.
I’ll point out that I don’t have a clue about Baseball, we don’t have it here in the UK, but the writing and description of the games make you feel like you’re right there with them and I do now know more about baseball, who’d have thought it would be educational too!!
I will never stop wanting more from this series, there are so many characters I want more of. It’s the ultimate pick me up, the perfect mix of sports, romance and outrageous humour, one you definitely cannot miss!
<insert baseball pun about knocking it out of the park here>


Kasey frowned, but then her expression lightened. “Say, Nik, you never gave me all the details from the lez experience you had in college. This game is boring as fuck. Entertain me with it.”
“It wasn’t really an experience. I just kissed a girl a little bit when I was drunk.” I shrugged as the first Ravens batter, Ramirez, strode to the plate.
“Not bad.” Kasey crossed her long, tan legs at the knee.
The guy sitting next to her gave her an appreciative up and down look, but her head was turned towards me so she didn’t see it.
“How much tongue are we talking?”
I closed my eyes and tried to remember the fall of my sophomore year, but it was hazy at best. I had way too much fun in school. “I think there was tongue, and she definitely felt me up over my shirt. I can’t remember if she ever went under, but I doubt it.”
“Nice.” Kasey set her beer down. “I think I need a reenactment. You know, to test you. Make sure you’re not running a game on Braden, pretending to be straight.”
I rolled my eyes as Ramirez swung and missed, strike one. “Not a chance. Besides, everyone knows I’m a Penis Flytrap.”
“Come on, just a little kiss.” She leaned closer as Kyrie snickered on my other side.
“No way.” I shook my head. “Braden would kill me.”
“I think Braden would be all about it. Just a couple of girls. One, his girlfriend, the other, like a sister to him. No harm in the two of us being friendly. Right, Kyrie?”
“Don’t drag me into this. I’m an innocent bystander.” She grabbed some more popcorn as Kasey’s confident grin surfaced.
I tried to ignore the hot blond trying to get into my panties. The next pitch was high and outside. Ball.
“Just a little experiment. That’s all.” Kasey’s tone turned wheedling. “It won’t count.”
“How many girls have you tricked into opening their legs for you like this?” I stared at her, not even close to falling under her spell.
She frowned. “Tons. What gives with you?”
“I love Braden.”
“Me too.” She moved closer, her big, pretty eyes open wide like the wolf’s in Red Riding Hood. “So how about you give me a little tit action as a sign of our love for him.”
Kyrie snorted.
“A little help here?” I turned to her.
“Nope.” She shook her head, a giggle falling from her lips. “I don’t get between Kasey and her prey.”
“Come on.” Kasey wrapped a lock of my hair around her finger.
I tried to keep the amused smile off my lips. “I’m trying to watch the game.”
Ramirez finally made contact, hitting a line drive and trucking it to first base.
Kasey didn’t even look. She kept her gaze on me.
I sighed. “Oh my God. If I say yes, will you leave me alone?”
She squealed. “Yes, I promise.”
“Fine, you can have a tit grope.” I’d taken many a tit grope from Kyrie, so this was nothing special.
She reached for the hem of my tank top.
“Hey!” I smacked her hand away. “Over my shirt and for no more than five seconds.”
“That’s it?” she pouted.
I tossed my hair behind my shoulder. “It’s that or nothing, you goddamn sexual predator.”
She smiled and licked her lips before focusing on my chest. “Fine.”
“Get to it.” I leaned back and dropped my elbows to the armrest, giving her maximum chest exposure.
She rubbed her hands together like she was Mr. Miyagi readying to fix Daniel-San’s leg. The guy sitting on her other side couldn’t take his eyes off us. I wondered if he was going to cream in his jeans.
“Here we go.” She hovered her hands over my chest as Kyrie shook with laughter next to me. “Luscious Nikki tits in three, two, one.”
“Hey!” Braden’s voice cut through the air.
I looked up and Kasey and I were on the kiss cam for the entire stadium to see.
“Kase!” I leaned forward, but that only pressed her palms to my tits.
The crowd went silent, and Kasey took the opportunity to give me a good squeeze. I smacked her hands away as the crowd went from silent to roaring with approval. I hid my scarlet face in my hands.
“Goddammit Kasey!” Braden was at the net yelling. “I’m going to kick your ass!”
I peeked through my fingers as a grinning Easton strode up behind him. “Come on, man. They’re just dicking around.”
“Kasey is a woman-stealer. She’s the devil!” He pointed a finger through the netting at Kasey, who was doubled over with laughter.
“I’m sorry.” I shook my head, my hands still covering my face.
“It’s not your fault. It’s the blond Satan sitting next to you!” The corner of his mouth twitched. He was holding back a smile.

Celia Aaron
Celia Aaron is the self-publishing pseudonym of a published romance and erotica author. She loves to write stories with hot heroes and heroines that are twisty and often dark. Thanks for reading.
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Sloane Howell
Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes dirty stories. When not reading or writing he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, playing with the dogs, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media. You can almost always catch him on Twitter posting something goofy.
Visit his web page to sign up for his mailing list to get updates on new releases, promos, and giveaways. Thanks for reading.
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