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Bloggerversary: An Overview of a Lovely Day

So, I don't usually write just normal blog entries that aren't directly book related. But this is broadly book related.

On Monday we started off Beaute De Livres and The Saucy Owl's Bloggerversary!! Viv's (Beaute) blog anniversary was on Monday 4th and mine was on Friday 8th, so it made perfect sense to join forces are celebrate together with one epic giveaway/party/event!!

We kick things off with an EPIC $100 giftcard, the biggest giveaway either of us have ever done! Then we followed it up with a shit load of giveaways.

So here's the first list of Thank You's for the in week Flash Giveaways: Kacey Shea, Autumn Grey, CJ English, Karen Ferry, Amanda Dick, Evie Harper, AJ Compton, KA Sterritt, Biblio Belles Book Blog, Stephanie Gresham, Toni Aleo, Rachael Brownell, WS Greer, Claudia Burgoa, Stacey Broadbent and Wenn. Thank you all so much! You made the week SUPER exciting!!!

Here's a list of thank you's to our lovely party people!!

Rachael Tonks, LW Michelle, Dani Rene, Elle Christensen, Leaona Luxx, JP Uvalle, NK Love, Luna Saint Claire, Nicole Hart, Ivy Stone, Lady J, Cecilia London, Sloane Howell, Celia Aaron , Jacob Chance and Logan Chance. Thank you all so much for partying with us!! We had a blast and appreciate you taking the time to play with us!

All of you who took the time ot fill in that sexy google form. You are the tits.


The Chance Brothers met their match with Celia Aaron...

There was some beautiful artisitc owlestry....

There was the most amazing compliment I've ever been given (Seriously Sloane, this will stay with me forevs)...

There was the sexiest stick man drawing I've ever seen (framing this shit)...

The mark of true friendship being gushed out (I'm with ya til the end of the line)...

^^ This is just lots of crying faces.

I was on TOP FORM with my GIF game, but sadly I can't do that here! Just stalk me on all social media and you're bound to come across a GIF.

So many tears and so many laughs! This isn't even the half of it!!

My day had already started with a shit load of tears because my favourite author; who has her own section on my website, the author who, when everyone was going crazy for FSOG I was all like 'I'm reading better books than that already' because I had all of hers on my kindle, an author who was easily the reason I went mad for books...

That very author replied to my Top 10 books post on facebook...and then replied to my gushing fangirl flurry...and then said she stalked me....and then was engaging in banter with my author best bud, Sloane Howell, AND THEN said she would send me stuff... well my day was made before it was even 8am!!

So of course here's the photo evidence so I'll never forget...

I'm not even ashamed that I didn't play it cool AT ALL!

Even the awesome Celia Aaron made my morning before RL Mathewson by asking me to Beta Sovereign for her, that was enough to make my day but it just kept getting better! Such an honour to even be asked!!

My heart was so full of love and it still is. I also want to thank everyone who joined us for fun and games. I was up until 4am and I know a lot of the other UK peeps were too, Laura, Anastasia, Donna, Heidi, Theresa and anyone else who was there with tooth picks keeping their eyes open, thank you so much!! Ciara you were so missed girl!

Most of all, thank you Vivian, you alone have made this whole year worth it. The fact that without books I never would have met you just makes me adore books even more.

So to finish off my soppy blog post, I'm posting the filthy story that was created!! ENJOY!


In a galaxy far (far) away…among planets and twinkling stars, there was a girl that had long dark hair and bright green sparkly eyes, who loves green apple skittles. One day she decided to take a walk around the planet and found a plant, but not just any plant, it was a magic plant that gave you a wish. If you took a bite you'd get high as fuck, and then you would see the truth that lies within, and feel her deepest desires.

That wasn't what I envisioned.... in my wildest dream, pleasure as the cactus came out, and then BOOM! He slipped, fell into a black puddle where nothing makes any sense. So I got out of the puddle and dried myself off with the only thing I had, my emergency sanitary towel, that had been used twice, which had not been used, who cares it was dry. Those thing soak up everything, but I still wasn't clean enough.

So I found myself a tree to sit up under and a couple of leaves to make a pillow to lay my weary head on, but just then I heard a scream from far, far away. Which made me scream too, so I started running, until I bumped into a rock hard body that was attached to a tall hard sexy mysterious man that grabbed me by my tits and made me kneel down on my knees and give him a blowjob. It tasted weird, like a tuna pasta bake but I took it all and licked my lips clean like a good girl, and I got a reward.

When he turned me over, I wasn't expecting to feel my stomach gurgle and a ball of wind to rise out of my mouth. He licked my neck and sank his teeth in with a deep loud moan.

Then lowered his head between my armpits, where I hadn't bothered to shave for a few days. He sniffed my body odour and said "bloody hell love, you don't half stink" and gagged at the smell.

But the sound was hot as hell and I went weak at the knees, because it turned me on and made me so wet. I felt a little fluid leak out but I'm sure it was wee as I hadn't been practising my pelvic floor exercises, this is why I carry around sanitary towels and Tena lady to help.

He looked me in my eyes and smiled. It was one of those pervy smiles but I liked it, I grabbed his hair and licked his face.

(Clearly this is a fade to black sex scene… part of me is thankful! Lol)

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