RELEASE TOUR AND REVIEW! The Bellator Saga by Cecilia London

It’s worth pointing out that my blogger buddy, Beaute De Livres, loved this book and, as such, practically made me read it, all the while praying that I would love it as much as she did. I trust her judgement so, to be honest, I didn’t even read the synopsis before I got started! Which I kind of liked because I had no idea where it was going. The prologue of this book is really what keeps you invested, it is a bit slow to start while you get acquainted with Caroline, but you always have the prologue in the back of your mind and you know shit’s about to go down!
Caroline’s relationship with Jack is just stunning. They start as friends in Caroline’s efforts to protect herself and I loved reading about their progression. You already know the end point of their relationship but the journey is still just as beautiful to read about. All the characters in this book are incredibly articulate, some words I wouldn’t even be able to pronounce, but the conversations are witty and funny. It’s exactly the kind of humour I find funny and it’s a perfect contrast against the chapters that make you want to cry.
Throughout the whole trilogy you flick between past and present. The past has all the passionate moments with Jack, the build-up to present events, and the relationships and humour between other characters. The past is a nice break from the present, because the present will tear you apart. There were not enough gifs in the world to express my shock over what happens in this book. I was dumbstruck. There was no warning, I was so involved in the story and had all my optimism pouring into it and then BAM, I was bitch slapped like a fat kid trying to take the last cookie. And let me tell you kids, it does not get better for quite a while! You need to wear the big girl pants.
The only thing that gives you momentary reprieve from the heart ache is hearing about Jack and his sexy ways. He may be an older gentleman but that only seems to make him so much sexier!! The things he says, how he is with Caroline, the connection they have, it is all completely swoonworthy. I’d be swooning all over his face. He may have been a player before but Caroline brings out the best in him and you’ll fall in love with him too. And if you hadn’t poured enough love into this book, Caroline may just be your next girl crush/hero/idol/lesbian fantasy in the making. This woman is STRONG AS F*CK. What she goes through is INCREDIBLE. She’s just amazing.
I am happy to give this author, Cecilia ‘Devil Woman’ London, full credit as being the first author to make me full on cry when reading a book. I didn’t cry during the entire Harry Potter series and we all know that has some hard moments. But this book…ugh…hit me right in feels!!! Even if you aren’t into politics, this series will have you hooked. It’s also a bit scary to read while you hear about current political events. I loved the gripping plot, witty humour, emotional imprisonment and the sweet, sexy, EPIC love story between Caroline and Jack. This series is brilliant and we’re only half way in!

Keep scrolling for an awesome excerpt!!

"This series is off the chain. OFF. THE. CHAIN. Gutwrenching, heartwarming, frightening, loving, sexy as all living hell – it’s life in a book." - Beverages and Books
"I can't recommend this series enough. The Bellator Saga is PHENOMENAL. I don't know she does it but Cecilia has created this brilliantly intelligent, sexy, suspenseful, and moving saga with both light - hope, love, and friendship - and dark - hate, abuse, and evil. Each book has a distinct feel and direction and somehow each one manages to hit you at a completely different emotional level." - Suzanne, Slut Sistas
"Breathtaking. Brilliant. Stunning...Reading these books is like eating a delicious and very expensive box of chocolates, each piece is unique, some sweet, some bitter but in the end you simply can't have enough...never before have I felt so inside or so connected to a story." -Dee, Wrapped Up In Reading
Two souls intertwined. One epic love story.
Get swept away in the passionate romance between political opposites Caroline Gerard and Jack McIntyre in the first half of The Bellator Saga.
This set contains the first three books in the series, Dissident, Conscience, and Sojourn.

Rising Democratic star Caroline Gerard is reluctant to fall in love again after losing her husband. Can Republican playboy Jack McIntyre break through her grief and capture her heart? Told mostly in flashback and set against a chilling fascist backdrop,Dissident is a rollercoaster ride of political intrigue, passionate romance, and undying love.

Caroline faces the biggest challenge of her life when confronted with the cruelty and sadism of her captors at The Fed. Hope fades quickly, even as she holds onto her one last bit of sanity and her unshakable belief that her husband will rescue her. But is that faith just a mirage?

Reeling from her experiences at The Fed, Caroline tries to forge ahead and create a new identity. But that’s hard to do with the ghosts of the past constantly whispering in her ear. She is determined to find the rebellion and move on with her life, but what will she find when she arrives there?

Includes bonus material featuring a deleted scene from Sojourn, a sneak peek at Phoenix, and a never before released love scene told in Jack’s first person point of view!

Order Links:
The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy will be priced at $0.99 during the pre-order and release week. After that it will be $6.99. That’s almost 300,000 words for less than a buck. ;)

When they reached the ballroom he locked the door behind him. Jack walked over to one of the decorative side tables and produced a box wrapped with red paper.
“Merry Christmas,” he said, handing it to her.
“Why didn’t you give this to me earlier?”
“I needed us to be in private when I gave it to you. Open it.”
It had to be jewelry. “I told you not to get me anything outlandish.”
“I don’t have to listen to you. Even if we are married.”
Caroline ripped the paper away. She opened the box and was greeted with an exquisite emerald necklace. Fringe design, with each individual green stone framed by tiny sparkling diamonds. The necklace was dripping with jewels from end to end. It looked like a prop from an eighties soap opera except it was stunningly, gorgeously real. She wouldn’t even want to speculate about the cost. “Jack-”
“Do you like it?” he asked.
She was convinced he only gave her presents just to gauge her reaction. To see how long she’d gawk at them before starting to gush. Caroline wasn’t refined when it came to her spontaneous responses to him. Did she like the necklace? A rather silly question since it was one of the most amazing things she’d ever seen.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.
He took the box from her. “I didn’t recall seeing you with anything other than sapphires or diamonds. We’re going to have to do something about that.”
She could only imagine the media attention they’d get if she paraded around wearing a necklace that cost more than what the average household made in a year, several times over. Sometimes her husband forgot that he was running for governor, not auditioning for the cast of Falcon Crest. “It’s too much, Jack. It’s so…elaborate. I can’t wear that in public.”
He smiled. “Then don’t. Wear it just for me.”
“Just around the house? Like, when I’m watching baseball and stuff?”
He laughed. “‘And stuff’?”
Her language was less polished than usual. “I’ve had a ton to drink today. I can’t always be articulate.”
Jack pulled her to him, leaning toward her ear. “How about you wear the necklace and nothing else, and grant your husband a dance?”
Now she saw where he was going. “A nice Christmas waltz?” Caroline suggested. “Fully clothed, of course. We must always be proper.”
He tugged at her sweater. “Try again.”
His romantic and seductive gestures were sweet, but impractical. “It’s cold in here.”
“I’ll turn the heat up.”
“What about you?”
“We don’t need to worry about me.”
Caroline sighed. “I meant your clothes.”
He unbuttoned her pants. “They’re staying on.”
That seemed unfair. “I’m not sure I like this power differential.”
Jack ran a finger under the waistband of her panties. “I think you do,” he whispered.
She shivered when he pulled her pants and underwear down. “Will there be music? Or are you going to parade my naked self around the ballroom in silence?”
“I picked a special song for the two of us.” He grinned. “And you won’t be naked. You’ll be wearing the necklace.”
She ran her hands down the front of his shirt, imagining how it would feel for her bare chest to rub against it while they danced. “You will undress at some point, right?”
He kissed her again. “Upstairs. Let me do this,” he said softly, stripping off the rest of her clothes, even her bra and panties. He laughed when he reached her socks. “Are those dinosaurs?”
Caroline liked wearing fun socks. She didn’t care if they were juvenile. She’d get away with it for as long as she could. “They’re wearing little Santa hats.”
Though he’d started to yank them down, he hastily pulled them back up to below her knees. “These can stay on. But only because they make you look so damn adorable.”
She tried not to think of what she’d look like wearing nothing but whimsical dinosaur knee socks and an emerald necklace, but the expression on his face indicated that Jack didn’t particularly care. He kissed her deeply before retrieving the necklace. He took his time placing it around her neck, then stepped back to look at her. It took all her effort not to blush. She hadn’t anticipated the night ending this way.
Jack tipped her chin up. “You look fucking marvelous.”
Her face had to be as red as a cherry. “Even with the socks?”
He brushed a stray hair out of her face. “There are few things sexier than a woman wearing an emerald necklace and dinosaur socks…and nothing else.”


Author Bio:
Cecilia London is the pen name of a native Illinoisan currently living in San Antonio, Texas. She's filled several roles over the course of her adult life - licensed attorney, wrangler of small children, and obsessed baseball fan, among others. An extroverted introvert with a serious social media addiction, she is the author of The Bellator Saga, an epic, genre-crossing romance series. You can catch all of her quirky updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or at her website.
Author Links:
Twitter: | @AuthorCLondon
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