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RELEASE BLITZ: The Sleeping Serpent by Luna Saint Claire

The Sleeping Serpent by Luna Saint Claire

As arousing as 50 Shades, twisted as Gone Girl, and tortured as Wuthering Heights...

"Immensely erotic and psychologically captivating."

Vampires are real. Not the kind with blood and fangs, but rather emotional vampires—the ones who use manipulation and compulsion to seduce. Charming and magnetic, they appear to be perfect—the answer to your prayers. Truth is, they have targeted you.

Luna Saint Claire has a loving husband and an enviable career as a Hollywood costume designer. Still, something is gnawing at her. Bored with her conventional and circumscribed existence, she feels herself becoming invisible. When she meets Nico Romero, a charismatic yoga guru, his attentions awaken her passions and desires. Dangerous, but not in a way that scares her, he makes her feel as if anything is possible. Infatuated, she becomes entangled in Nico’s life as he uses his mesmerizing sexuality to manipulate everyone around him in his pursuit of women, wealth, and celebrity. Immensely erotic and psychologically captivating, The Sleeping Serpent is the compelling story of a woman’s obsession with a spellbinding guru and the struggle to reclaim her life. At its heart, it is a painfully beautiful exposition of unconditional love that makes us question what we truly want.

"Having been in a similar relationship, I related to everything that Luna went through. Nico is hard to resist and clearly knows what he is doing to manipulate the women in his life. An entertaining sexy read that at times will have you speechless and at other times yelling at the book. Either way you won't put it down."

"Unbelievable writer! She uses her words to weave together an incredible plot filled with suspense, passion, and psychological intellect. It is clear from the details in the writing that the author knows the makings of a narcissist and the effects they have on their victims. A must read, and I cannot wait to see more from the author."

"If you have ever felt that instant magnetic pull into a relationship, ridden the high, and then were left dazed and confused, you will be able to relate to this book. Fast moving with compelling characters, and an intriguing backdrop. The author weaves together mystical elements with contemporary life to create a great debut novel. The power of attraction to a charismatic yogi master and Luna's questions about the path she has chosen in her life ring true."

Luna Saint Claire is a costume designer and author residing in Los Angeles with her husband, a philosophy professor. She loves blues rock and Indie music, often setting her Pandora station to Damien Rice. Her personal style can best be described as eclectic bohemian. Though she now enjoys running and yoga, she spent years of her youth in the ballet studio. Her part Native American heritage informs her work as a designer and influences her storytelling.

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