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ARC REVIEW: Find Me by Laurelin Paige

After the terribly teasing cliffhanger that Free Me leaves us all on, I couldn't go another second without getting the next one!

I did enjoy this book but it didn't please me as much as the first one did. I don't want to giveaway too many spoilers but I half expected there to be this big dramatic, passionate reunion rather than the awkward argumentative one.

I also hated that she found another guy to keep her occupied, fair enough she was imagining it was JC but that just made me feel bad for Chandler and like he was a bit of a cringey character when I don't think he was supposed to come across like that at all.

I know JC told her not to wait but it just kind of took away from the love they were supposed to have. Like, she went 7 years with no sex but she couldn't last a few months. I know she wasn't sure when he would come back but he said he would, so I was a bit disappointed about that, hadn't even been a year!!

I also found it got really messy and then there was just the simplest solution and it was all hunky dory after that! So I didn't like it as much as the first one, it was still a good book, but to reflect on I found I was more annoyed at bits when I stopped to think about it rather than while I was reading.

You definitely have to read it, obviously because you need to know how it ends, but I was a bit deflated after. However, I still enjoyed reading it!

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