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REVIEW: Tempted by the Boss by Hazel Kelly


This read was one of the free books in the queue of my ever growing TBR list. I had started another book called 'my Husbands Boss' but it was horrific so I stopped it at 33%, and I had skipped 10% of it! So I was a bit wary of this book, my faith in Free Books was temporarily knocked. However, this book salavaged the situation!

At first I was worried about the amount of dialogue there was, there wasn't much description around the words but there was enough and it worked, it got less and less throughout the book to until it became 'normal'.

Will is a sexy, rich divorcee who doesn't think he's ever felt real love. He still sleeps with his ex-wife just becasue it's easy but he desires more out of life. Ella is a young, vibrant graduate who's moved in with her mum until she finds work.

Will and Ella meet (obviously) when Ella accompanies her mum to a charity dinner than Will is hosting. There is an instant attraction between them (just as I expect!) and fortunately Will takes a chance and hires Ella to organise the office Christmas Party (this is where I feel in love with the book!). I love Christmas and I love Romance so this was just perfect!​

touched by the boss.jfif

The idea that Ella comes up with for the Christmas party is amazing, I was so hooked by this bit, it is possibly the most exciting bit of the book! There isn't much sex in this one, it does drop you on a sexy cliffhanger that will have you running to the next book as fast as you can. But I was okay with that!

The next book, Touched By The Boss, is a bit saucier! (73% in!) but the dates and the chemistry between them is great. It's obviously not a hugely gripping plot but it is a great romance and the plot does keep you interested.

The best thing about this one is that it doesnt end on a big cliffhanger. It does stop mid-story but I could handle the ending. I won't rush to finish the series but when I get a bit more dosh I will finish this series!

saucy owl rating 4.png

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