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REVIEW: Pretty Remedy by S.E. Hall

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So first things first, how hot is this cover?? Might be one of my faves, which is saying something seeing as they are both fully clothed! The guy looks hawwwwwt!

I loved the whole Evolve Series by S.E. Hall so I wasn't really worried about not liking this one! I ended up going about this series the wrong way though, I didn't read Pretty Insinct before, I went straight for this one.

You wouldn't know though that I wasn't it's own book, I do gather though from hints in this one that the previous book may have involved a bit of a love triangle situation. But Rhett seems like a leading man in his own right so it doesn't even feel like he didn't get his own book first!

If you like books about musicians, then this is for you, there are even song lyrics in this book which were a really lovely touch, even if you don't know the melody!

I was expecting this to be pretty raunchy but actually the story relies more on the lack of sex. Rhett used sex as a means of escapism until he meets Reece, and she is a beath of fresh air for him, she's a challenge (he used to women saying yes with no questions asked) but she also understands him in a way others don't.

There were some great nasty characters in this book. At one point my heart was in my mouth, I was so into it!! But they get what's coming to them so that is very pleasing!! There isn't any unncessary drama, just moments where they need to prove to themselves that this relationship is different and special and built on trust. It's nice though because I didn't feel like any of it was petty girly hysteria. It was all pretty calm and reasonable and what you expect from being knocked for six but an awesome, sexy guy or a girl.

I wouldn't say it's a 70 mile per hour ride on the back of a motorcycle but more a lovely cruise in a convertible. It's a beautiful story and the dedicatition is lovely. All of S.E. Hall's characters are completely lovable, Rhett and Reece are no exception!

Good news though, Pretty Instinct is FREE to 5 days on Amazon so I now have it waiting to be read! Along with many other books...

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