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REVIEW: Unglued by Rachael Brownell


Unglued is the follow up to Holding On. Holding on is about a love triangle really, Brad is Becca's best friend and after years of friendship Brad declares his love for Becca after she finds out she has to move across the country. There, she meets Ethan who she instantly falls in love with. Their relationship is very intense as is her relationship with Brad. I was quite confused all the way through this as to how it would end, I'm used to happy endings where the good guys get what they want but somebody was always destined to get hurt in this one.

Becca and Brad have such a strong friendship that it seems to withstand just about anything. Ethan and Becca connect on such a deep level that you feel like they are soul mates. However, depsite the way the first one ended, it obviously doesn't all stay peachy for long. Unglued returns to Brad's longing for Becca and I almost felt myself rooting for him. He is so sweet, despite how much he confuses Becca, and I really wanted him to realise he didn't love her but he just gets hurt a lot.

Ethan also gets hurt and one of the things that annoyed me was that even with everything that happens, Becca takes ages to realise she needs to be with him. I was actually quite miffed that (SPOILER ALERT) she only decides to go be with him after she finds out she's pregnant.

I really liked both the male characters but when I think back I can't really rememeber much about Ethan and Becca's relationship, it doesn't seem the forefront of the book but maybe that's why Rachael has written Ethan's POV in Weakness. The fact that the story flits in between past and present is realllly hard to keep up with, I didn't bother trying to remember when it started. Sometimes I found Becca a bit annoying, she manages to get away with not saying anything when she needs to and she'll randomly faint when things get too much but then she's 'too strong to cry'. Somebody is killed off (you find this out on the first few pages you just don't know who it is) and you would think that the death would put things in perspective a lot quicker than it does. Instead you're just waiting for her to get over it and make her decision.

The men definitely won over this story for me, just wish there had been more about Ethan and less about how confused Becca was. It is a sweet love triangle story though!

saucy owl rating 3.png

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