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Review: STORM series by Magda Alexander

It started with a freebie....

A series that got me gripped pretty good was the Storm series. I got Storm Damages for free on my Kindle and the plot is so thick and the sex is so raunchy that it's basically the perfect kind of book.

Without spoiling anything too much because the suspense and not knowing really helps this book, I was quite miffed by the ending of the first one. But then I got the second one and it got better. Parts of the book are annoying, I'm pretty sure what Storm does to try and get Elizabeth borders on stalking - but it's okay if you're really attracted to eachother!


The other annoying point to mention (which happens in more american books than it should) is the use of English (british) words to try and make Storm sound even more British (and posh!). A lot of it sounds a bit medieval. Especially how he says 'Babe' and not 'Baby'. He is 32 not 70.

Having said that, Storm is indeed very arrogant, cocky and controlling. Hugely controlling. But he really does love Elizabeth, he just keeps cocking it up by not admitting his feelings from the get go.

By the time you get to the second book it's hard to see a way that they can recover. There is almost next to

no trust between them, Storm bullies his way through the whole relationship to the extent where Elizabeth is just a puppet.

Both books end on cliffhangers (my worst nightmare) so you do need to buy the next one if you have any chance of reaching a (hopefully) happy ending!

I will be reading the next one and will be sure to update the blog with what I think.

So far the Raunch factor is through the roof, there is so much sex and it's well done too. If you want a good story with lots of the good stuff then this will not disapoint!

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After this 3 part story winds up, we move on to Brianna and Jake who have been mentioned a lot so far. It's very obvious that Brianna takes the typical male role in this book, she is wild one that needs to settle down and Jake is clearly head over heels for her. Depending on how book 3 goes, I'll see if I can manage a 4th one!

UPDATE!! 11th April 2015 - Book 3 STORM REDEMPTION

Just finished the third instalment of Elizabeth and Gabriels story. I don't like giving too much away but I did have a couple of gripes with this one. Some of it might seem silly but one scene in particular leads to some one being in hospital. Firstly, they got shot, in London, Now I'm not an expert on Britains Gun Crime statistics but guns are illegal in the UK and you hardly ever hear about people being shot in the streets of England. Stabbings yes, but not so much on the gun crime. Guns are a very American thing.

The next gripe follows on from this to the hospital where the victim is told all his bills will be paid for, again in Britain we have the NHS so there would be no bills following A&E treatment, but then I reflected on this and made myself believe it was referring to aftercare treatment which could be carried out at a private hospital. I suppose thats's just me being fussy, but when I'm so deep into a story and then a flaw emerges it immediately jars me out of my nice book world.

I think with those two flaws and the language (things like 'I would, for I am tired' are said and it's so posh and proper that it's annoying - we don't talk like that!) are the things that let down this book. The sex scenes are very good and the unfolding of the plot is pretty good, although the ending is probably very obvious. I'm going to change the rating for this one because it did let me down towards the end and I'm in no hurry to read the 4th one, I will because I want to see if the britishness is toned down for Brianna and Jake but I'll take a break from this series for a while.

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